The following are some related businesses that may be of help to you regarding the enjoyment or benefits of plants.
When great looking plants are required but budgets are tight, we will meet or exceed your requirements every time.
City and Suburbs Indoor Plant Hire
Specialising in the Sydney city centre and metropolitan suburbs
Arizona greenhouse offering Plant Sales Rental and Maintainance Web
Green With Envy Indoor Plant Hire
We service clients on the south coast and southern highlands of NSW
Specialising in the Sydney CBD and inner metropolitan suburbs
St George Sutherland Indoor Plant Hire
Local supplier of indoor plants and pots for the St George and Sutherland shires.
Chinese Herbs Store - Denver Colorado
PO Box 564 Parramatta,
NSW 2124.
A.B.N.: 22 092 442 745
- Phone: (02) 9890 1382
- Fax:(02) 9546 6288